
I was originally going to talk about Summerlicious, as part of my Toronto Series, but I've already posted about Winterlicious here. Instead, I thought I'd give you a little insight on DaiLo (which isn't participating in Summerlicious, but is still AWESOME).Dai LoDaiLo is one of the more hip and trendy restaurants in Toronto, and luckily they take reservations. Call early though, as they fill up very quickly! If you're offered a spot at the bar as consolation, don't turn it down. It's actually a very cool dining experience, as the bar area is open and airy, and the bartenders themselves are fun to watch.I rarely go out to eat Chinese food, especially Hakka cuisine. Nothing could ever compare to what my grandma makes, but DaiLo puts a cool spin on things. You can tell that French style and flavour has been mixed into the menu, and there are novelty items such as the fried watermelon - YUM. I went in skeptical, and came out a believer. Oh yes.DaiLoBesides the fried watermelon, I would recommend the Ponzu Beef Carpaccio and Satay Grilled Quail. There was such a beautiful mix of flavours - they all stood out, but at the same time seemed to blend in together. I mixed my mains with truffle fried rice, which was awesome, but I probably could have sprung for the plain old kind. For libations? The Chinese five-spice Dark and Stormy is not to be missed. I hear they have a wicked bar upstairs, which I'll be sure to check out next time!Dai LoIf you're craving something a little exotic, or just want to be wowed by your meal, I'd recommend DaiLo. I especially recommend it if you're in a small group of people, as their menu is made for sharing. For more on DaiLo visit their website here.




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