All Fall Down

Marilyn-Monroe-reading-10-1024x807I hadn’t read a Jennifer Weiner book since In Her Shoes, and I was happily surprised when I began All Fall Down. From the beginning it was pretty clear that this wasn’t going to be a “girly” book. It’s funny, dark, and gritty.The main character is an upper middle-class woman who seemingly “has it all”. The big house, the great husband, the adorable child, and the cool job (professional blogger!).The story follows her as she succumbs to her prescription pill addiction.Unlike The Girl on the Train, which has weak descriptions of the protagonist’s struggle with alcoholism, I found Jennifer Weiner’s portrayal of prescription drug addiction to be much more tangible (not that I’m an expert. But it definitely moved me more).The downward spiral that Weiner manages to portray kept me on the edge of my seat. There were so many moments when I wanted to skip entire paragraphs because I didn’t want to read through the embarrassing, hard moments that the main character faces. Do you do that too? Sometimes I have to force myself through the awkwardness!I enjoyed this book because it isn’t subject matter I would normally choose, but it still had the wit and humour that I like from the narrator’s perspective. Would I recommend it? Yes. However if you are looking for something similar to In Her Shoes or Good in Bed, I wouldn’t give this a go. image


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