100th Post! Prince of Wales

Hey friends! I'm Jocelyn's photographer, boyfriend and best friend, Azim. We've had so many requests from both girls and guys to showcase some of my own personal style. Menswear deserves some love too!IMG_0363-1So, I literally picked the best time of year to start posting outfits on Jocelyn's blog. Fall is probably my favourite season and that seems to be common with a lot people I talk to. With temperatures fluctuating between 10 to 15 degrees, us guys have the opportunity to layer up without having to throw that parka on and blanket all of our hard work.IMG_0350-1Being in my mid-20s, I’ve noticed that my blazer game has surged overnight. What used to be mostly athletic wear has been replaced (And no, that's not just Jocelyn's influence :) ). I've got my pick of different patterns, colours, and materials – I cherish them all. This particular, glen plaid blazer is part of a suit that I bought from J.Crew. Interesting note: glen plaid is sometimes nicknamed "The Prince of Wales", as it was popularized by the Duke of Windsor during his tenure as the Prince of Wales (hence the title of this post - I am clever).IMG_0347-1I really like the way a light blazer pairs with a slim pair of dark-wash jeans. The beige, linen tie was actually a last minute decision. Jocelyn gets the credit for that call.IMG_0413-1The University of Toronto's Hart House is beautiful this time of year. Fall colours and mild weather mixed with incredible, old architecture make for a great photo shoot. Inside the building is equally, if not, even more stunning – we’ll save the inside for a future outfit post.IMG_0367-1IMG_0394-1The outfit itself wasn’t really inspired by anything in particular - normally it comes down to if it looks right and feels right, then walk out the door. I think I did alright. Comment and tell me what you think of my first #OOTD! Happy Friday!IMG_0374-1Blazer - J.Crew / Shirt - Club Monaco / Tie - J.Crew / Sweater - Joe Fresh / Pocket Square - Scotch & Soda / Jeans - GAP / Socks - Happy Socks / Shoes - Donald J. Pliner


Fashion is Fun


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