The Top Coat Post

In Toronto, we get the benefit of living through the four seasons...which means I get to wear this badass top coat.IMG_1014-8For years, the cold weather coat has been known to be utilitarian and uninspired on the style front; simply doing its job - protecting us from frostbite and frigid temperatures. Yes, I agree, when temperatures dip way below, Torontonians don't care - we'll throw on that ugly parka and be on our way. But until then, this top coat is my go-to before the dreaded parka.IMG_1017-10 L'horloge: Look familiar? It was in my Gift Guide for Dudes post. Did you get your Christmas shopping done yet? Because the mall is no place to be this weekend (Jocelyn, I hope you're reading this).IMG_0998-4 IMG_1002-5IMG_1015-9I like the way patterns are mixed-in here: herringbone, checkers and plaid. A bit off tangent, I also really like herringbone patterns for flooring!IMG_0991-2A lot of fashion enthusiasts are calling today's men's style something of a renaissance. British fabrics, country styling and fresh details - everything from herringbones and donegal tweeds to windowpanes and plaids. Apparently, we dress like the Rat Pack...I'll expand more on this and fashion in the 60s for my future, strategically undone bowtie post. IMG_1018-11Note: I like to pop the collar when I wear a top coat. And for the record, it has nothing to do with Jersey Shore - we must forever by vigilant against any douchebaggery.IMG_0982-1Glasses: GANT Rugger is one sick-wicked design label and while I can't afford their clothing, I'll have to settle with their eyewear. I feel like a lot of us to do that when we buy eyeglasses...IMG_1019-12Shoes: No signs of snow yet and we're creeping into the third week of December. So in that case, I'm going to rock these suede + leather Clark Originals while I still can.IMG_1013-7Who else is super pumped for the new Star Wars movie? OH and BTW, how good is Jocelyn with the camera? She definitely nailed it with these pictures! Happy Friday, everyone :)Until next time.A.Top coat, Sweater, Gloves - J.Crew / Scarf - Club Monaco / Jeans - GAP / Glasses - GANT Rugger




Gift Guide: For your Wifey