New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year!! (1)

Happy 2016! Last week I shared with you 5 Firsts I had in 2015, and now I’m kicking off the new year with some resolutions.

I love making resolutions - I’m most definitely a list person, and I still prefer writing things down with a pen and paper. I derive such satisfaction from crossing each point off as I finish them. Deleting them off Microsoft Word or changing the font to “cross-through” just isn’t the same!

This year I have twenty resolutions. If last year was more of a year for reflecting and finding my footing, this year is definitely more for thinking big and DOING. I won’t be sharing all my goals on my blog, but I’d like to post a few - this also helps keep me accountable! Feel free to check in with me every month or so to check my progress :)

2016 Resolutions:

  1. Travel Twice (Once big, once small)I don’t think I could go a full year without travelling. Setting travel goals always makes me giddy and gives me something to look forward to! This year I resolve to take (at least) two trips. My “big” trip will hopefully be to France, and my “small” trip is totally undecided as of right now! I’d love to go back to New Orleans, or perhaps visit San Francisco. Last year I went down south to Cuba, so I don’t think I’m in need of a beach vacation. Who knows? I am open to suggestions! My only requirement for a “small” trip is it must be under 6 hours of travel time.
  2. Learn Adobe (specifically Photoshop)I’ve been wanting to learn Adobe for forever! This year I resolve to become proficient with Photoshop - whether that means taking classes or dedicating an hour a week to free online tutorials, it’s gotta happen! Adobe is such a powerful tool, and it would be so valuable to me as a blogger.
  3. Read 40 books - 5 of which are classicsLast year I set my reading goal as 30 books, and ended with 36 books read. I could probably set my goal a little higher than 40 for 2016, but I’ve added in the caveat that 5 of the books must be classics. I do tend to enjoy classics, but I don’t find that I finish them as easily as I do contemporary fiction novels. So far my “classics” list includes:- Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy- Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier- To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (it’s disgraceful that I haven’t read this yet! It’s my Dad’s favourite)- The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
  4. Experiment with makeup more oftenThis is just for fun! I have a whole drawer FULL of incredible makeup, and can’t seem to stop myself from buying more at Sephora. And yet, I barely wear it! It’s such a shame! I think makeup is a totally frivolous and fun way for people to express themselves :) And my reluctance to wear it probably stems from the fact that I’m awful at applying it. A few choice youtube tutorials should be helpful!So in 2016, I resolve to wear fun makeup looks more often.
  5. Write a letter once a month (or more) to a friendHow awesome is it when you receive a REAL letter in your mailbox? Not a bill, not junk, but a real letter? I love it! And I also happen to love writing letters as well. I have so much gorgeous stationery that is just sitting unopened in my stationery box (yes, that’s a real thing).This year I resolve to put at least 12 letters in the postbox to my friends and family. I probably won’t plan on who I’ll send mail to ahead of time, so if you would like to request one please send me a message :)

So those are a few of my resolutions! What about you? Have you made any for 2016? If so, I’d love to hear :)Sending you all lots of love and warm wishes xoxo


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