Good Things Skincare

Do you have a skincare or beauty routine? I didn’t, until I turned 25 and realized that in a couple of years I’ll be part of the demographic that buys anti-aging products. I mean, don’t get me wrong - there’s nothing wrong with aging at all. It’s beautiful, and every smile line and wrinkle should be worn with pride! But I think it’s the overall texture of my skin that I’m more concerned about.

I want to keep my “glowy” complexion for as long as I can, simply because it looks and feels healthier. I rely on two brands to help me achieve this, the first of which I’ll be sharing with you today:

Good Things

The brand hails from the UK and was created by the award-winning beauty journalist Alice Hart-Davis. There are three main lines of products separated by ingredients: Argan Oil, Manuka Honey, and the Superfruits. The mission of the company is to create beauty and skincare items that are filled with only good things - no mineral oils or other petrochemicals, no parabens, sodium laureth sulphate or sodium lauryl sulphate.

To be honest, that’s not the reason why I tried out the products in the first place. I don’t actively seek out organic products, and I’m not picky when it comes to skincare. The cute packaging caught my eye and the price was great, so I purchased on impulse. And I am SO glad I did. These products actually WORK!! I’ll break down a mini review of the products below, so you can decide which ones might work for you if you’re interested :)

Good Things

Argan Oil

The Argan Oil line is the most nourishing and replenishing of the bunch. I like to use the serum in the morning, underneath my makeup, and the perfecting facial oil at night if I’ve used an exfoliating cleanser. These products work so well if you have dry skin, which a lot of people tend to suffer from in winter. The serum absorbs very quickly, and the oil isn’t greasy at all.The body scrub smells lovely, and is gentle enough for me to use a few times a week.

My absolute FAVOURITE product from the line is the cleansing oil. This is a holy grail product for me. I try to stockpile this whenever I find it because I’m so afraid of running out!! Basically, I apply it to my face before wetting it with water. I rub it in circles all over, and even across my eyes. Then I splash my face with water to remove it, and it turns from oil into a cleanser - it’s AMAZING! And it removes all of my makeup, right down to the last of my smudgy eyeliner and flaky mascara. No extra step of using makeup remover is necessary. It’s. so. good.

Good Things

Manuka Honey

The Manuka Honey products feel the most luxurious to me, because they are the creamiest. The bath soak smells divine, and I actually use it just as a regular body wash since I take showers more often than baths. I find it to be a very calming and soothing scent - I much prefer it to overly sweet scents like vanilla.

The creamy cleanser really does feel more like a cream than a cleanser, but it does a thorough job of washing the day away! It’s quite gentle, but because I have sensitive skin I only tend to use it every other day.

I love the mask because it doesn’t leave my skin tight like a lot of other masks tend to. I will usually put it on if I’ve been lazy with my skincare routine, or if I’ve had a particularly indulgent weekend. It’s comfortable and easy!

Good Things

The Superfruits

I would have to say that the Superfruits line is my favourite. I’m not partial to fruity scents, but this range of products smells incredible. It smells refreshingly sweet, as opposed to sickly sweet.The creamy cleanser is comparable to the Manuka Honey one, and I use them interchangeably. The blackhead exfoliator is great for when I need a deep clean, but I don’t use it more than once a week. It hasn’t reduced the number of blackheads I have, but it does a good job of scrubbing away any impurities, and leaves my skin feeling feeling squeaky clean. I would use the Argan Oil perfecting facial oil after exfoliating with this.The miracle mattifier genuinely prevents unseemly shine, especially in the T-Zone area! I really only need it in the summertime, but I now find I can’t live without it!The micellar water is a wonderful way to hydrate my skin, and I use it daily in the morning. After splashing my face with warm water and drying with a towel (no cleanser or face wash), I then put the micellar water on a cotton pad and give my face a wipe down. I only like to wash my face once a day, so this morning routine is much more gentle and suitable to my skin.

The BEST product, and also the very first one I purchased, is the five minute facial mask. This is another holy grail product for me! If I have a spot or blemish, I apply this mask right away and it significantly reduces the amount of time it takes for the spot to disappear. I take it with me when I travel, I keep one in every bathroom (including my boyfriend’s), it’s just perfect.

New packaging on the exfoliating cleanser!

I stumbled upon the Good Things skincare line at Winners, here in Toronto. It’s typically sold in Boots, Superdrug, and Asda across the pond (our equivalent of a Rexall or Shoppers Drug Mart) - but the only place I’ve seen it in Canada is at Winners. I would love if it became more readily available, because now every time I pass a Winners I check for Good Things and stock up! Even my friends check for me! So Good Things, if you’re reading this please come to Canada :)

And how about you? Is there a skincare line that you absolutely love? And when did you start taking care of your skin?

Until next time! xox

No makeup, no worries!


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