Apple Picking

img_5222-9Azim and I had the loveliest time apple picking this past weekend at Albion Orchards in Caledon, Ontario. It was a 30 minute drive out of the city, but I felt like we were in a totally different country by the time we arrived! We passed fields with cows grazing, and pretty painted barns - what a difference from the paved sidewalks and skyscrapers I'm used to.img_5234-13img_5221-8img_5191-1img_5239-14I wanted to wear a cute outfit like a true fashion blogger...but I also wanted to be comfortable while picking the apples - function trumps fashion for me, believe it or not :)I borrowed my little brother's scratchy wool turtleneck and paired it with my trusty Hunter boots. It was a wet weekend, so the boots were a good idea! Between the fallen apples and the misty weather, the ground was pretty smushy. I also opted for a hands-free bag, which was way easier than fussing with a tote or purse.img_5219-7img_5195-3img_5226-11We filled a ten pound bag pretty quickly, and I have a lot of baking to do in order to make even a small dent in the pile of apples now sitting on my counter. One of my favourite recipes to make is apple crumble...img_5203-1-4img_5208-5img_5250-16Apple crumble will always remind me of when Azim and I first started dating. I used to visit him during reading week in Vancouver while he attended UBC, and we were braving a long distance relationship. I went to Ryerson, and was lucky enough to have TWO reading weeks (that's pretty normal now right? Back then it was a big deal!) so the second year we were dating I visited him during autumn reading week. This happened to fall over Thanksgiving, so I decided to cook us a Thanksgiving meal in his dorm :) And by Thanksgiving meal I mean mashed potatoes and apple crumble. That was pretty much the extent of my culinary skills!img_5223-10img_5193-2But Azim loved the apple crumble so much that he finished the entire dish in one night  pretty quickly, and asked me to make another one. And another one. And now it's sort of tradition/just a really easy way to make him happy!It's been a little while since I last made one, so we are long overdue. The apples we picked are so crisp and delicious, I can't wait to see how my crumble turns out! And if you have any (easy) apple recipes you love, please send them my way - I'd love to start some new traditions!img_5215-6img_5227-12 Hope you're having a wonderful autumn so far xoxo


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