5 Happy Things You Can Do On Blue Monday


Start a Gratitude Journal

One of my new year’s resolutions was to start writing a journal again. I can’t commit to lengthy, detailed posts – I’ve tried and failed over the past two years and now have a compilation of random entries in several notebooks (usually written when I was having bad days). I picked up this Five-Minute journal instead, and have been using it diligently all of January. It’s the perfect tool for lazy writers because it includes prompts and fill-in-the-blank sections. It also forces you to write down “3 amazing things” that happened that day, and “3 things you’re grateful for”. This has definitely injected positive vibes into my routine, and I can’t recommend it enough.If you don’t feel like shelling out $$$ for a notebook, you could try keeping a gratitude journal yourself. Write down 3 to 5 things you’re grateful for every evening before you go to sleep, and at the end of the week or month look back and reflect on all the awesome stuff that has happened to you J It doesn’t have to be elaborate – I’ve written:“I’m grateful that Sherlock has returned and is totally blowing my mind”“I’m grateful that I had the foresight to buy coffee filters yesterday or this morning would have sucked”“I’m grateful that my mom picks up the phone and talks to me all the time. I’m grateful to have a mom.”

Go on a date

Cineplex is having a great campaign for Blue Monday where you can see any movie for half the scene points! For instance, one VIP tickets is regularly 2000 scene points, but today you can redeem for only 1000. What a perfect opportunity to go on a date :)I am actually taking myself on date – that’s right, I’m headed to see La La Land in VIP all on my own. Sometimes it’s nice to spend time with yourself – I know many of my friends loathe the idea, but it’s really important to get out of your comfort zone and try it. I haven’t spent a lot of time doing solo activities since I travelled to Paris by myself a few years ago, so this will be a nice little date.

Treat Yo Self

January is typically the month when we diligently tighten our purse strings. The holiday credit card bill has come in, and RRSP season is around the corner. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been saying “no” more often than I can count. Although self-restraint and will power are good traits to practice, there’s something to be said for treating yourself once in awhile. I’m always much happier when I have something to look forward to :) Maybe today can be the day that you finish your travel plans for the year, or maybe you’ll buy a new coat in the sales to wear for the rest of the winter season! I’ve got my eye on some sparkly, golden shoes…of course!

Treat someone else

Doing good makes you feel good. I try to incorporate this into my life everyday in little ways (hold the door open for someone even if they’re a slow-walker, pay someone a compliment even if I’m feeling shy – it will make them happy! Get my coworker’s coffee if she looks like she needs it :) ). Today would be a great day for a grander gesture.Is someone in your life feeling especially blue? Why not send them flowers, or bring them a care package? Make a little extra when you cook dinner, and share with your neighbours. Or “pay-it-forward” when you go through the drive-thru! Let me know if you have any suggestions on this topic, I’m always looking for more ideas to help in little ways.

Break your routine

Turn Blue Monday into a special occasion – if the gloomiest day of the year isn’t the time to make the little things count, then when is??My typical Monday looks like this:

  • Struggle to get out of bed, stumble to get caffeine. Eat breakfast of oatmeal with healthy chia seeds and almond milk.
  • Spend far too much time reading blogs/watching YouTube, end up throwing on black pants and whichever crewneck sweater is clean.
  • Work, work, work, work, work, work.
  • Walk home as quickly as possible.
  • Give myself a pep talk to go to the gym. Maybe go to the gym. Maybe sit on the couch.
  • Eat leftovers and watch Sherlock/Mindy Project.
  • Go to bed approximately 30 – 45 minutes later than intended.

My Blue Monday looks like this:

  • Struggle to get out of bed, use my favourite mug that I’ve made sure is clean and make a special coffee with my Keurig. Maybe a latte. Eat dessert for breakfast.
  • Wear my awesome outfit that I’ve laid out the night before, and wear LIPSTICK. Entire day is changed just from this one step alone! Yeah, lipstick!
  • Work, work, work, take a luxurious lunch break, work, work.
  • Window shop/actually shop on the way home. What’s the rush?
  • Take myself on a date! The gym can wait.
  • Go to bed whenever. Wear silky pyjamas. Have a nightcap. I’ll be tired tomorrow, but it will have been worth it :)



Something Old Something New