Summer Bucket List

Don’t you love that feeling, when you walk outside and a wave of warmth washes over you? For the first time the temperature is higher outdoors than it is inside – that to me is how I know summer has arrived.Besides wearing lots of jean shorts and summer dresses, I thought I’d write out a list of things I definitely want to do this season in Toronto! Summer has a way of slipping away, so I’m going to try my best to tick my way through this list. It shouldn’t be hard to eat lots of ice cream or have a picnic, but planning a mini road trip (maybe Niagara?) and getting my bike out of the garage requires a little more effort :)I’m excited to have my friends from Sweden visit, because I’ll be playing tour guide in Toronto! I’ll definitely get to show them Casa Loma and take them to see some of Toronto’s awesome live music.Do you have a summer bucket list? Xox


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