Weekly Bests VII

Best Thing I Did

I did a lot of great things this week! It’s too hard to decide, so let me do a brief recap of some of my fav moments:I had to take a 25 minute uber ride one evening, and was pleased to see I had a female driver – that almost never happens! We struck up a conversation almost right away, and spent the entire time chatting. It was just so…pleasant? It’s rare to make a connection with a stranger these days – we’re all plugged in all the time. I’m guilty of this too. I often intentionally keep my earbuds in when I’m walking or taking the subway. But I really like meeting new women and hearing their stories! By the end of the ride I didn’t want to get out, and told her to text me any time, and she in turn thanked me because she’d been having a rough night of riders beforehand and told me I’d really calmed her down! I went home feeling warm and fuzzy :)One of my favourite events happened this past weekend – the Toronto Vintage Clothing Show! It’s now tradition for me and my cousin to attend – she even requested time off work so we could make it :) For some reason magic happens when we go together. She never fails to find a good coat, and I always manage to walk away with dresses. Dresses are usually tough for me to buy, at least off the rack. There’s something about the way vintage dresses fit my body that just works. And I don’t think I’d find them if I didn’t go with Jasmine! We have a game plan (basically visiting EVERY SINGLE stall in a zigzag pattern) and we take it very seriously. This time we took my mom, and I think she nearly fainted from hunger/exhaustion/boredom hehe. She’s not a big shopper, but even she managed to find a couple good pieces. Afterward we went for dim sum, which I had been craving for months! A+ day!I hadn’t had a haircut in more than a year, and was itching to chop my locks off. I waited until after my best friend’s wedding, and managed to get an appointment this past week with June, my lovely hairdresser <3. I wanted to do something way different than I normally do, and sprung for an asymmetrical long bob. June was totally on board, and the cut she gave me faaaarrr exceeded my expectations! I walked home with my hair swinging, feeling like a million bucks!! I can’t wait to style it in different ways – Braids? Big curls? Beachy waves?I used to be reluctant to go short, but I think it’s because so many people told me they loved long hair on me. I remember once cutting my hair to my shoulders, and a friend saying “WHY??” – wow, what an encouraging reaction! But as I grow up and into myself I’ve stopped caring so much about what others consider “pretty”. It’s too exhausting. This cut is entirely me. It’s different, it’s unexpected, and it makes me very happy.


Always on snapchat now! @joces

Best Thing I Ate

I caught up with my best friend Laura this past week, and we went to an adorable restaurant near her new home called Mama Martino’s. It is almost an entirely family-run restaurant, with plenty of Italian staples on the menu. I really enjoyed my veal parmigiana and side salad (with mystery ingredient – pesto?), but I enjoyed even more that it was brought to our table by a server who couldn’t have been more than 14 years old :) He had braces and dimples – how sweet?!The company also contributed to the wonderful experience – it was so nice to get some girl time in with Laura, who was positively glowing after just getting back from her honeymoon. I was so happy to see her new place, and was treated to pre-dinner wine and cheese :) Am I lucky, or what?

Best Thing I Wore

Hands down the best thing I wore this week was my biggest score from the Vintage Show – a pair of Salvatore Ferragamo flats that I scooped up for $65. No, not $650. $65. SIXTY. FIVE.I know, I know. Don’t hate me. I really think Jasmine is my good luck charm in going to the show! These flats are perfect in every way possible – they are just so classic, chic, and timeless. I wore them with black cropped pants and a plain shirt to work, but they elevated the outfit to a more elegant plane. Perfect for those days when I have nothing to wear :)

Best Thing I Saw

I have become strangely addicted to Outlander on Netflix. I read Diana Gabaldon’s book, and had mixed feelings about it. There’s no denying that it sucked me right in, but after I finished the book I thought I’d be done with Jamie and Claire’s (ridiculous) storyline. Well. It turns out it’s even more absorbing watching the characters on screen. I can’t get enough of it, and luckily have a few seasons to binge! Cheers to the long weekend :)

Best Thing I Read

I shared this post on Facebook because it really hit a nerve for me.Noa Jansma, a 20-year old student and incredibly brave woman, set up an Instagram account to document instances she faced where men on the street would catcall her – a wholly uncomfortable experience that a lot of us go through.She said:“This Instagram has the aim to create awareness about the objectification of women in daily life. Since many people still don’t know how often and in whatever context ‘catcalling’ happens, I’ll be showing my catcallers within the period of one month.”In a selfie, “both the objectification and the object are assembled in one composition. Myself, as the object, standing in front of the catcallers represents the reversed power ratio which is caused by this project.”  This part spoke to me - Over the course of the month, only one man asked her why she wanted to take a selfie, which says it all really.“They’re not at all suspicious because they find what they do completely normal,” Jansma said.Check out the account, but don’t read the comments on her photos because it will make you lose faith in humanity. There are so many misogynists among us, it is kind of soul-crushing. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by strong women, and strong men who stand up for our rights! Thanks for reading :)


Cool Finds / Links I Love


Our Weekend Getaway to St. John's