Weekly Bests IX

Currently wrapped up in a blanket burrito with swollen lymph nodes and runny mascara. I am suffering from “I-am-too-sick-to-work-tomorrow-but-can’t-take-a-day-off-syndrome”, does anyone else know what I’m talking about? I’m sure any parents reading this can relate. But I don’t have kids – just a busy work schedule and the inability to say “no”. Remember this blog post? Seems like I need more work on follow through…Anyhoo. Although I’ve had demanding days at work, I’ve been balancing life out with doing some pretty fulfilling activities. I also have a few fun trips coming up, and am looking forward to spending the whole weekend planning! If you have any tips at all on must-do’s, must-see’s, or must-eat’s in Banff or Tokyo (I know, two very different, very random destinations!) please send me a message or leave a comment!

Best Thing I Did

By far, the highlight of the year so far has been going to the closing keynote lecture for the Christian Dior exhibit at the ROM. My thoughtful, wonderful best friend Hanan got us tickets as my Christmas gift! It was even better than I could have imagined.Florence Müller, fashion icon and expert, and co-curator of Christian Dior's 70th-anniversary exhibition in Paris, gave a lecture on how the House of Dior has evolved since “The New Look”. It was absolutely fascinating. She drew comparisons between iconic dresses designed in the 50s by Dior himself, and more modern remakes from the House’s later designers right up to Maria Grazia Chiuri. She touched on the relationship between Dior and Yves Saint Laurent, and how much of an impact Galliano had on the House. I loved every minute of it.After the lecture we had the opportunity to check out the exhibit. It was so special because many of the pieces were loaned or donated from women from right here in Toronto, who bought and wore Dior in the 50s. Florence Müller had briefly explained how difficult it could be to source pieces for fashion exhibits, because couture archives have only been a thing of the recent past. I feel so lucky to have seen some of the very special pieces on display.This beautiful pink shoe caught my eye – I felt a very special connection to it because I have a pair of pink Christian Dior shoes that are if not similar, at least reminiscent of this vintage design.The perfumes were absolutely incredible. The shapes of the bottles were so elegant and sensual – Christian Dior really wanted the wearer to have a complete experience. Hanan wears Diorissimo, a beautiful lily-of-the-valley scent, and I’m loyal to Miss Dior. It was a treat seeing some of the original designs of the bottles for each.After the exhibit Hanan and I enjoyed some bubbly and quality time together. What a perfect night!

Best Thing I Did II

I tried Soul Cycle and lived to tell the tale. Ok, not only did I try it…I LOVED IT! I felt absolutely incredible after the classes. I felt energetic, healthy, strong, and like I had worked out every part of my body. I can see how people become addicted.I’ll admit it does feel a little cult-y with the candlelight and “we ride as one pack!!!” mantra. But something about it works for me. I’ve read that it isn’t that effective of a workout, but for someone who hates cardio as much as I do, it’s a fun option. I don’t think I can afford to make it a regular habit (classes are $30 for 45 minutes. ouch.), but it’s definitely something I’ll indulge in once or twice a month :)

Best Thing I Saw

 I haven’t had a lot of time to binge on Netflix or go to the movies, but I did start season 3 of Broadchurch. It’s hard to say yet whether I’ll love it as much as the first two seasons, which were in my opinion, masterpieces. If I had to make a tv show recommendation I’d push those. And definitely the UK version, NOT the American one. I really don’t understand why they remade the show in the U.S., with David Tennant still as one of the leads but forced to do an American accent?

Best Thing I Read

I don’t think this really counts as reading, but I’ve been getting a lot of enjoyment out of #VirtueMoir on Twitter. I’ve jumped on the bandwagon with everyone else and have become OBSESSED with Canada’s ice darlings and hottest not-couple, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. More specifically, I’m obsessed with the fact that they PRETEND they’re not the perfect couple, when really they are exactly what dreams are made of.The twitterverse feels the same way, and reading tweets under the #VirtueMoir hashtag has been so entertaining!My obsession has gone offline and into the real world too – I recently purchased a pair of sunglasses from the Tessa Virtue X Bonlook collection….somebody stop me!

Best Thing I Ate

I was able to work from home one day earlier this week, and had a lunch date with Azim at a popular local brunch spot called Aunties and Uncles. Whenever we go, we both order the same thing every. single. time. He gets the pear and brie sandwich with home fries and I get the breakfast pocket with potato salad. Both of these menu items sound simple enough, but Aunties and Uncles does something magical because no matter how hard I try, I can’t get my sandwiches to taste that good. And I’m not alone – every weekend without fail there is a lineup out the door! If you find yourself in the College and Bathurst area on a weekday, I high recommend you pop in.Thank you so much for reading, and for all your support on my last post with the new outfit picture format! Your support means more than you know xo


What I Wore II


What I Wore