Weekly Bests 2019.10,11,12

March has been a wild month. Did you know that Mercury was in retrograde almost the entire time? I did. I suuuure did.

Cue to - Wow Air going bust and our plane tickets to Sweden (and my lovely friends' wedding) vanishing along with it. Getting sick (after bragging to all my colleagues that I never get sick). Actually, I put my foot in my mouth quite a few times this month. I also acquired a burn, a few cuts, and some other bumps and bruises. Thanks a lot, MERCURY!

But enough of that. This is weekly bests, after all. Not weekly blaming astrology for all the mishaps. The mishaps actually make me that much more grateful for all the little things...

  • Being able to hear my brother blast hair band rock ballads in the shower from my bedroom and singing along :)
  • The power of technology connecting me with friends far away
  • Witnessing the strength of someone battling a disease and winning <3
  • Watching all of season 3 of Queer Eye with my dad, who loves it, and me loving that he loves it
  • Envelopes with wax seals :)
  • Getting a normal sleep schedule for three weeks in a row (instead of having to get to work for 6:30am)
  • The smell of spring in the air
  • Ladies chasing me down the street on two separate occasions to ask where I got my shoes (the best compliment!), and the hilarious conversations that followed
  • Going on a nice long sweater-weather walk with my mom
  • The colour yellow
  • Crossing off everything on my to-do list
  • Birds chirping outside my window

I'm celebrating another birthday, which always puts me in a reflective mood. I have so much in my life to be thankful for, it almost scares me. I often want to freeze certain moments, because everything is perfect and I want it to last forever.

I say this so often, because I can't say it enough - I am surrounded by the BEST people. I have such a loving family and the coolest and most supportive friends. Thank you.

Here's to the last year of my twenties! The end of a wonderful, turbulent ride. I found my life partner, travelled well, moved out and in and out and in, worked really hard, worked really REALLY hard, lost a few friends, found a few friends, danced, loved, and learned endlessly.

And thank you to those of you who read this blog, comment, send me messages, and are genuinely so encouraging. It is so, so, so appreciated :) xoxo


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