Weekly Bests 2019.18, 19, 20, 21

Let's get into it!!

Glimpses of Spring

Spring in Toronto has been...less than ideal. As a bride-to-be, I have been paying extra attention to the weather on the weekends and praying for sunshine for all my fellow bride-to-be's! Unfortunately, we've had low temps and A LOT of rain. Hello, spring? Where are you!?

*I'll just take a very quick moment to send positive vibes over to Ottawa, where they actually experienced devastating floods, and we don't really have a right to complain here in Toronto tbh :(

On a happy note, seeing lovely little glimpses of life returning to our grey and barren surroundings has been wonderful. I took the first photo above on an evening stroll through the neighbourhood (yay for longer days), the second photo is a gorgeous magnolia tree around the corner from my parents' place, and the third is of some gorgeous tulips by my office! This purple shade has been everywhere this year, and I love it.

Once Upon a River

I've been happily working my way through a long list of books! I've read 12 so far this year, and besides Where the Crawdads Sing, this one ^ has stood out the most.

I loved The Thirteenth Tale and Bellman and Black by Diane Setterfield, and had been waiting for whatever she was going to write next. This book did not disappoint. It's less gothic than The Thirteenth tale, but still has a twisty-turny plotline that sucks you into a fairytale world. If you're looking for a good story, give this one a try!

Workout Clothes and Working Out

What is your stance on workout clothes? Do you throw on some old sweats and your university frosh t-shirt? Do you splurge on Lululemon and the like?

I fall into the middle camp. I'd probably wear old sweats and my frosh tee to work out if I didn't already wear them to be extremely lazy on the weekend, BUT they don't wick away sweat very efficiently. Instead, I tend to buy my workout gear from Old Navy, the Gap, or Joe Fresh (and even then, only when they're having additional 50% off sales).

Azim is very much on the other end of this spectrum, and understandably so. For the line of work he's in, he usually has to be in activewear. He wears Arcteryx, Reigning Champ, and Adidas, and goes on about how comfortable his clothes are.

I thought my leggings and sports bras from Old Navy were comfortable enough, and felt like they did a pretty good job...until Azim bought me a few pairs from Adidas. I couldn't believe the difference! They look SO good, they're even more comfortable than I expected, and they're supportive and wick sweat away really well (yes, I get very sweaty when I work out :) )

Since I exercise often, I figured I should start investing in better pieces. It's the philosophy I use for curating the rest of my wardrobe, and I rarely have those days where I have "nothing" to wear.

Similarly, I want to make sure everything in my activewear drawer is awesome. Right now there are definitely those pieces I avoid, and other pieces I reach for more often. When I have a little bit more disposable income, I'll be taking it to Adidas and Lululemon!

Game of Thrones

Ok, GoT season 8 was not great. But there were two things about it that I enjoyed immensely.

The first is Sansa's storyline. It was the only one that wrapped up in a satisfying way for me - she truly grew into the QUEEN she was destined to be. Also, her "Uncle, please sit" line is legendary. All hail the Queen in the North.

The second thing I loved about Season 8 was the documentary that followed (Game of Thrones: The Last Watch). It was such an insightful look into the AWESOME amount of work that goes on behind-the-scenes to make the show look so damn good. I was really happy that they gave so much screen time to the woman in charge of logistics (making sure there are enough port-a-potties around for the 250+ people shooting - uhm, what a job!!), the food stand that made toasties and kept everyone fed, and the incredible makeup/prosthetic and hair/wig artists.

I also enjoyed the interviews with Vladimír Furdík, stuntman-turned-Night King, who seemed to be enjoying his new elevated level of fame :) as well as the passionate extra, Andrew McClay, who seemed to be more into the show than any of the rest of the cast/anyone on this planet :D

If you need something to erase your bitter feelings towards how badly GoT ended, watch the documentary for sure.

Hope you are all doing well this spring! Thank you for reading xox


Weekly Bests 2019.22,23


Outfit Drop - Date Night