Back to Basics

"Back to Basics" is a very #basic title, but I thought it was about time I shared an outfit with a couple of my wardrobe staples, which I write about over and over: Aritzia's Cohen pants and Akira Power blouse. Just found out they renamed this to the Power blouse - the name is certainly justified!

Jocelyn Caithness Wardrobe Staples

Now, in the fashion blogging world, this outfit wouldn't even be worth posting. There's really nothing to it - a top and some pants with a bag? Yawn...

Jocelyn Caithness Wardrobe Staples

BUT, it's precisely the simplicity which makes it so essential for me. We've all had those days where we don't have the energy to put anything resembling a polished appearance together - I don't know about you, but I've reached for black skinny jeans and the same shirt far too many times. That's boring, and truly shows that no effort was made. I also feel less confident by midday whenever I pass by a mirror, catch my reflection, and think "not my best look".

Lob Hairstyle
New hair who dis

That's where my simple, tailored basics come in. Aritzia's Cohen pants are much more comfortable than black skinny jeans, and they look more elegant. The Power blouse is easier to wear than a stiff button up, but more polished than a jersey knit or t-shirt.

This outfit might look #meh on the blog, but I stood out in a sea of jeans and sweatshirts, walking down the street in Azim's college town :)

Jocelyn Caithness Wardrobe Staples
Azim taking a picture of me taking a picture of me

This look might not be your idea of easy wardrobe arithmetic, but I'd definitely encourage you to find staples that work for you. Maybe it's turtleneck + pencil skirt, or camisole + boyfriend jeans, or maybe it's t-shirt + black skinny jeans! Different strokes for different folks, am I right?

Jocelyn Caithness Wardrobe Staples

Finding your "go-to" basics makes getting dressed so much simpler, and helps you feel confident all day. I'm curious, what do you wear on those days when you just...have nothing to wear? I'd love to know what your staples are!

Thanks as always for reading! Xox


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