My Month in Moments - October 2019

October is my favourite month of the year, and this past month did not disappoint. It was jam-packed with memorable moments, and the good days outweighed the bad. Here are some highlights:

Quill Writing Workshop

Quill Writing

Quill Writing

So this was right at the tail-end of September, but it was so much fun I'm throwing it in here! As part of our goal of trying something new each month, my best friend found this awesome FREE class on quill writing! As part of Ontario's Culture Days, Toronto's First Post Office hosted a quill writing workshop. We learned about how the postal system was set up in Ontario, and the long, laborious process involved in sending and receiving mail.

We also learned all about quills, the best feathers to use, and the best writing techniques. We wrote our letters, sanded them (to dry the ink), folded them up, and sealed them with wax :) Top tip: black walnuts (which you probably see staining the sidewalks in Toronto, are good for making ink)


I had wonderful Thanksgiving celebrations with my family, and Azim was home :) Practicing gratitude every DAY is so important to me, so Thanksgiving is a favourite holiday for me, for sure. Also - it's basically a holiday where food is the main event, so what's not to like?

I hope you had a wonderful time with your friends and loved ones, too!

Bridesmaid Proposal

My sister-in-law to be asked me to be her bridesmaid with the sweetest "proposal"! I was so touched.

She's already a part of our family, but I couldn't be more excited for her and my brother to get married in June, and to shower her with the love and help she so generously bestowed on me when I was wedding planning. Woohoo!

General Fall Appreciation

Toronto Autumn

Yeah, yeah this is pretty #basic. But I don't care. I LOVE FALL! The colours, vividly setting the landscape ablaze! The crisp air, sending a warm invitation to leather jackets and turtlenecks galore! The sweet smell of fireplaces burning and pumpkin pies baking! Ok, I'll stop.

But I genuinely did take every opportunity I could to appreciate this too-short season - mostly by getting off the subway two stops early and walking!

Beverley Street Séance

Image from

Last year, my family went to the incredibly spooky séance at Black Creek Pioneer Village with Jaymes White. This year, it was at Beverley Street, in the George Brown Manor. And it was absolutely terrifying. I am a huuuge baby, and I have a very low tolerance for anything creepy, but everyone I know who has been to a James White séance has been scared and thoroughly entertained.

You might have explanations for all the supernatural occurrences, but some things were just too strange to make up! I don't believe in ghosts, but this séance made me jump out of my skin. Do you believe in ghosts, or have you had any ~*spooky*~ experiences? I'd LOVE to know!

Street Style Segment on Cityline

Cityline caught me in my vintage suit! More on this next week and on Facebook and Instagram ;)

Weekend Getaway at Merrill House

Merrill House

Merrill House

I'll be writing an entire post about my latest weekend getaway to Prince Edward County with my mom - we hit up FOUR wineries, went antique shopping, and had the most luxurious stay at my favourite hotel: Merrill House. Stay tuned :)

Celebrating Ah-kung's Birthday

My Ah-kung is the most selfless man in this world, and the littlest things make him happy. Last Sunday we celebrated his birthday at Fancy Chinese Restaurant (yup, that's the name). My grandparents are so cute, they make my heart burst.

Instagram Highlights

You may have noticed that I've been working really hard to ramp up my blog recently - and that means going back on Instagram. It's not easy for me at all, and I still have strong reservations about the platform, but I understand that it's the medium that most of my readers use to consume content.

This month, I spent a lot of time editing and updating the "highlights" feature on my Instagram profile to include most of my travel posts from 2016. I'm quite proud of this, because writing and sharing my travel experiences is something I love to do, and I hope I've expressed that through these snippets in my "highlights".

If you'd like to check them out, you can do that here! And if you like it and want to follow along, I'd love to have you :)

Thank you for your support, and as always, for reading! Xox


My Vendor Dream Team


Proud Outfit Repeater