
DSC_5169I love Spain. There is so much rich history and culture to discover, I think I could drive down the Costa del Sol a thousand times and still find something new and beautiful.Linda and I were basking in the sunlight, enjoying our fun roadtrip, wondering why we didn’t just live in Spain, at least for a little bit…But we were rudely awoken from that dream on the day we decided to visit Gibraltar.You see, Spain, and all Mediterranean countries, are a paradise to visit. But once you try to deal with any type of bureaucracy or authority, you’ll remember why you haven’t moved there. The police, clerks, government workers – basically anyone with a stamp or a gun in their hand – seem to love to make life difficult. No, your papers are not in order, no, you need to pay this fee, no, you’re in the wrong line, no, no, no.So back to Gibraltar. Linda and I had woken up super early, and driven the two hours from our place near Marbella down to the checkpoint at Gibraltar. We paid for our parking, and proceeded to the entrance where guards were checking identification. Now, we hadn’t brought our passports because Linda hadn’t needed to show hers when she visited the last time (in the not so distant past). But apparently this time was going to be different. I showed the guard my ONTARIO DRIVER’S LICENSE and was waved on through. Linda showed her Swedish driver’s license, which includes European Union identification, and was refused entrance."No", the guard insisted, a driver’s license was not good enough. Linda protested because she didn’t even have to show her passport to FLY INTO Spain – being a member of the European Union meant she was able to enter the country just by using her driver’s license.“Too bad!” said the guard, and they proceeded to argue a little bit longer.Then I piped up and said, “You just let me in, and I’m not an EU citizen. I just showed you my driver’s license. Look, it says right here ‘Ontario Driver’s License’”.The guard looked confused.Meanwhile, tons of people were entering around us without even showing the guard their ID. Ha. Hahahaha. It would have been hilarious if we hadn’t driven two hours to get to the big dumb rock. Just kidding, Gibraltar is glorious.The guard kicked me out, and told Linda and I that we weren’t allowed in without passports. END OF STORY. Ah, Mediterranean life. Linda was furious, as she comes from a country similar to mine in that we can rely on the rules put in place to actually work. Not to work when they feel like working.IMG_1105We made the best of a bad situation by just continuing our roadtrip on to the picturesque village of Ronda, up in the Andalusian mountains. What a treat! I think Ronda was my favourite part of our whole Spanish excursion.In order to get there we had to drive for a couple of hours, up an extremely hilly and dizzying terrain. I thought we were going to the top of the mountain before it suddenly evened out into a clearing, and there was Ronda.IMG_1107Ronda is one of the most visually stunning places you will ever see. It was first settled in in the 6th century B.C. wow that is ANCIENT. And from there on it was conquered over and over again by all the great civilizations, and affected by the Spanish Inquisition and civil wars. It’s been through a lot, and it shows! There are surprisingly well-preserved remains of Islamic architecture mixed in with traditional sites like a bull-fighting ring, and ornate cathedrals. The bridges are in perfect condition, and they tower above the river below. Definitely not a view for those afraid of heights.DSC_4039DSC_5152Linda was a pro at driving and parking up the incredibly narrow cobblestoned streets, and then we explored mainly on foot. We stopped for a tapas lunch, followed by lots of wandering and photo ops. I decided I wanted to get married in Ronda (I decide I want to get married every time I visit somewhere exotic and beautiful). It’s truly magnificent.DSC_5139My favourite moment was when we crossed over one of the main bridges, to take in the view of the fields below. There was a veranda with a harp player and singer, and as we were enjoying the incredible view they started to play. I really thought I was in heaven.DSC_5145DSC_4086DSC_4073DSC_4066DSC_5140We enjoyed some icecream and some more exploring, and generally made the most of the day before our long drive home. You can learn more about all the famous sights here.Next up in my travel series – we make it into Gibraltar! And I make friends with a monkey.


Cluny Bistro


Gap Girl