Love Story

I love these pants.I love everything about them. I love that they're named "The Love Story", I love that they're a deep, dark green, I love that they're corduroy, and I LOVE that they're bellbottoms! Whew, that's a lot of love.The Love StoryThe Love StoryThe Love StoryIf you know me, you know that I don't shy away from making a statement. So in full 70's theme, I donned a wide-brimmed hat and groovy vest. I wore this outfit to brunch, or because I'm in Montreal, "Le Brunch". The nice thing about Montreal is that nobody really looked twice at my somewhat over-the-top outfit. But I just know that if I wore this out in Toronto, even on Queen West or Ossington, I'd get a few weird stares!The Love StoryThe Love StoryThe Love StoryHappy Monday, and stay tuned for more travel posts soon! I am properly eating my way through Montreal...The Love StoryThe Love StoryHat- Madewell / Vest - bought in France / Turtleneck - Joe Fresh / Pants - J.Brand / Clutch - American Apparel


It’s the little things... (my Oprah magazine subscription is the best $40 I ever spent)


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