A Dress to Build a Dream On

This dress was a lucky find, the happiest of chance encounters. I rarely find vintage dresses that fit me so well, without some type of adjustment. But this one is perfect.I stumbled upon it while browsing a vintage pop-up sale on Queen Street with my dad. The merchandise was a mixture of styles from the 20s – 80s, as well as costumes from old movie sets. I think this dress must have been a costume at one point, doesn’t it look like it would have been worn by a candy striper?A Dress to Build a Dream On 1A Dress to Build a Dream On 2Cherry Blossoms High ParkThese photos were taken back in May, during the cherry blossom blooming frenzy in High Park. It was so hard to take any shots without people in the background because it was so crowded! I absolutely understand why though – the flowers are beautiful. And not just the cherry blossoms, there are gorgeous magnolias as well, and that section of the park is well-manicured. Look out for a post about High Park in the near future!A Dress to Build a Dream On 3A Dress to Build a Dream On 4I love vintage clothing because it can transport you. I put this dress on and instantly felt feminine, dreamy, and carefree…Earrings – vintage / Dress – vintage / Shoes – Asos (old)


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