Tell Me About It Stud

 Leather JacketAzim and I ventured out to UofT campus a couple weeks ago to take these pictures. At that point the leaves had all turned, and the lawns were covered in blankets of gold and red. It was such a beautiful site, and felt even more special because I knew we were coming to the end of the season. Autumn is so fleeting in Toronto, but I can console myself with festive cheer :)Leather JacketNow that the leaves are all gone, the twinkling lights have been put up all along Yonge Street, and I can enjoy them in the evening if I peek out my window. We just put our tree up this weekend too! And I'm almost done all of my Christmas shopping :) I like to finish early so that I don't feel any stress, and I can spend more time baking, watching Home Alone, and reflecting as we come to the end of the year.Leather JacketIt's just starting to get proper winter-coat-cold, but when we took these photos the air was just crisp enough that I could get away with layering. In this case I took the chunkiest sweater I own and stuffed it under my awesome leather jacket. This probably isn't the most flattering look - I could have gone with a slimmer sweater (you can see it bunching in the sleeves and middle!), but I was nice and toasting. Even more so because the sleeves are sooooo long!Leather JacketI really wanted to invest in a real leather jacket this year, as I've already cycled through a couple faux alternatives. I had one from Joe Fresh, which felt nice but I don't think looked all that great. And I had another one from Forever21 which looked very sleek, but felt quite cheap.This time around quality was my top priority. I wanted leather that felt like butter, and quite an edgy look. My prayers were answered when I found this awesome version of my dream leather jacket at Marshall's! It's by a Swedish company I had never heard of called Stella Nova. After dong a quick Google search to find out a little more about the brand, I was satisfied. The price best part? I paid way less than I had budgeted :)Coach ShoesI paired my edgy jacket with my awesome  lumberjack plaid pumps from Coach (now on sale)! They are SO cool - it was love at first sight with these babies. I think the calf-hair texture paired with the bright red plaid really stood out to me, and I love the mini studs along the edge of each shoe. They are spectacularly comfortable too!Leather JacketI didn't realize it when I put it on, but now looking back I feel like my outfit is reminiscent of a winterized version of Sandy from Grease! I am actually very influenced by wardrobes in cinema, and would love to share more with you one day. Some outfits are just stuck in my mind, they are just so breathtakingly beautiful...Atonement, Rear Window, and Hunger Games come to mind :)Leather JacketI'm off to finish trimming our tree! Nat King Cole is playing, and I have Marshmallow Fireside burning. Stay tuned for holiday gift guides up next xox


Gift Guide 2016 - For Your Besties


My Favourite Black Friday Deals!