
[embed]https://vimeo.com/87221603[/embed]Are you guys getting into spirit of Halloween? Have you rewatched Hocus Pocus? Decorated your Jack-O-Latern? Held a séance?My family has a strange interest in the supernatural and creepy - my mom has the "gift" of being able to sense when ghosts or spirits are present, and my Dad just loves anything spooky or haunted. They're pretty much Morticia and Gomez Addams. We've gone on many ghost tours (my favourite being in Quebec City!), and recently we experienced an incredible séance.Well, it wasn't really a séance. It was a show called "Séance" performed and hosted by Nicholas Wallace. I am not as enthusiastic as my parents about macabre affairs, and I vehemently do not believe in ghosts, but even I was impressed. AKA it scared the living daylights out of me.Mr. Wallace is a true performance artist. It would be unfair to say that he put on a show, when what he actually did was create an experience. A creepy, terrifying, very real experience.The first half of the show set the mood. We heard about ghost stories - apparently true ghost stories that took place right here in Ontario! I don't know why they seemed easier to believe...maybe because they happened closer to home? We were also shown haunted items, and audience members were called up on stage to get involved in the performance.At around halfway through, the séance began. Any audience members who were too scared to go on were asked to leave, and the rest of us were sealed into the theatre. We formed a circle, holding hands to keep evil spirits out (I was giggling at first but you better believe I was checking behind me for evil spirits by the end). The room was made pitch dark except for a few candles, which were mysteriously extinguished during exceptionally scary points in the séance. Mr. Wallace chose someone in the audience to be the medium, and then summoned the ghosts...I am a huge sceptic, but I went in with an open mind and had a great time. My family loved it, obviously, and my Dad actually had nightmares that whole night. Oooh, so weird!There were definitely some things that happened that can't quite be explained...Séance posts show dates on its website here. Happy haunting!




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